Extra question answer science
EXPRESS IN ONE OR TWO WORD CHAPTER-8,9 AND10 A method for removing dust and other suspended particles from water: Standing or still water: Water fit for drinking: Method of cleaning: Extremely small living beings which can cause diseases: The most common method of purifying water: Our body needs it for proper functioning: The method does not removes germs: It should be put in coolers if water cannot be changed: We should use it to take out water from containers: This kills germs and makes it fit for drinking: Waste produce in homes: In cities people get water from it: Chemicals used to save the crops from birds , rats and insects: Oil leaked from tankers carrying it: Materials used to increase the production of crops: Pipes carrying, carrying sewage, should not be kept near the pipe carrying this: People should not wash clothes, or use soaps if they bath in this: This get infected by pollu...