class iv science flower and fruits

Flower & Fruits
D1.State any two uses of flowers.
Ans: Two uses of flowers are:
1) Flower extraction is used for perfume
2) Flowers are used to make herbal colours.
D2.How do green leaves help a bud?
Ans: The green leaves protect the bud and help it to bloom into a flower.
D3. Name two flowers which are eaten as vegetables.
Ans: Two flowers which are eaten as vegetables are-
1)    Cauliflower 2) pumpkin flower.
D4.Name any three dry fruits.Write two ways in which they are used in our daily life.
Ans: Name of three dry fruits is cashew nuts, dates &raisins.
Uses of dry fruits:
Cashew nuts: Fry cashew nuts are used in kheer.
Dates: Dates are used to make chutney.
Raisins : Are used in upma as well as in kheer.
E1. Write five lines about flowers
1)Flower is a colourful and beautiful part of a plant.
2)flower generally has a pleasant fragrance.
3)Most flowers have attractive colours and some are colourless.
4)Flowers are used for different kinds of decoration like marriage, meeting places, stages &festivals.
5) Extraction of flowers are used as perfumes.
E2.What do you understand by ‘seasonal flowers? Give two examples of
seasonal flowers.
The flowers that bloom in a particular season only are called seasonal flowers. For example, Dahlia &rose are winter flowers whereas chameli,Champa & china rose are examples of summer flowers.
E3. Write any two uses of fruits.
Two uses of fruits are-
i)Fruits like mango  &lemon are used for preparing pickles.
ii)Dry fruits like cashew nuts, and raisins are used in preparing various dishes.
E4. List  the food preparations that can be made by using mango fruits.
 The food items that can be made by using mango fruit are-
1) Raw mango can be used for  curry & chutney
2) Raw and ripe mango can be used for making pickles
3) Ripe mango  can be used for making ammpapad(amba sadha)
4)Ripe mango can be used for the preparation of juice, ice cream, jam & jelly.
Extra question answer
Q1.Which is the largest fruit in the world?
Ans:The largest fruit in the world is jackfruit.
Q2.How does the banana plant reproduce?
Ans: The Banana plant reproduces through the stem.
Q3.What is the smallest flower in the world?
Ans:Wolffia globosa is the smallest flower in the world.
Q4.Which is the largest flower of the world?
Ans:Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest flower in the world.
Q5.What is the state flower of Odisha?
AnsThe  state flower of Odisha is Ashoka.
6.List five flower which blooms in summer?
Ans: Five flowers which blooms in summer are
1)chameli 2)Chinarose 3)Sunflower 4)lily 5)sada-bahar
7.List five flower which blooms in winter?
Ans: Five flowers which blooms in winter are:-
1)Dahlia 2)Rose 3)jasmine 4)Zennia  5)Marigold
8.List five fruits which have multiple seeds?
Ans:Five fruits having multiple seeds are
1)orange 2)guava 3)water melon 4) grapes 5 ) Papaya
9. List five fruits which have one seed.
Ans:Five fruits having one seed are:
1)mango 2)cashew nut 3)litchi 4)dates 5)plums
10. List some fruits which have naked seeds (seed outside the fruit)
Ans: Fruits having seed outside is cashew nuts.

Value-Based Question & answer.
Q1.Why did Rita’s mother object to the plucking of flowers?
Ans:Rita’s mother objected to the plucking of flowers because she don’t want to damage the beauty of flowers unnecessarily.
Q2.What does the above situation tell us about Rita’s mother?
Ans:The situation tells us that Rita’s mother is concerned for nature, she is a very kind and cooperative & understanding lady.
Q3.Suggest some ways to help the needy.
Ans: I can help the needy in the following ways-
1)By giving food to needy people.
2)By giving cloth to the poor.
3)By giving extra books and copies to poor people

4) By sending the injured person to the hospital.


  1. Thank you l will write in my
    Copy hape wrote

  2. Vghhhhjghju yggy to try yggy so yggy so I have got yggy it was her hyvyv


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