question bank

                                                QUESTION BANK (TERM-2)
                                                STANDARD-IV   SUB-SCIENCE
Q1) Fill in the blanks                                                 [1 mark each]
a)      Our body makes vitamin-D in the presence of___________.
b)      A bee-hive consists of many six-sided chambers called___________.
c)       The silk moth weaves a cover around itself know as_____________.
d)      Lac insects usually a grow on ____________trees.
e)      Dengue is spread by the ____________ mosquitoes.
f)       _______ gram of Fat gives about 18 kilocalories of energy.
g)      We need vitamin _________ for good eye-sight.
h)      Red colour pigment present in our blood is know as__________.
i)        ____________is required for normal growth and development of the body.
j)        A sting is located at the _________ of the insect.
k)      Water which is clean and fit for drinking is called ______ water.
l)        ________ part of the earth's surface is covered with water.
m)    With the __________ in population ,the amount of water available for each person is decreasing.
n)      Cutting down of trees on a large scale is called ________.
o)      ________ process kills the germs from water but does not help in removing dust and dirt.
p)      ________ is the most common method of purifying water.
q)      The standing or still water is also known as _______ water.
r)       The industrial and agricultural wastes increase the growth of ______ in water.
s)       Water containing _______ is called polluted water.
t)       The wastes produced at home are known as _______ wastes.
Q2)Name two of each                                                                   [1 mark each]
a)      Social insects
b)      Useful insects
c)       Harmful insects
d)      Diseases spread by houseflies
e)      Diseases spread by mosquitoes
f)       Fleas
g)      Stinging insects
h)      Sources of vitamin-A
i)        Iodine rich foods.
j)        Minerals required for healthy bones.
k)      Energy giving foods
l)        Sources of animal protein
m)    Fat rich foods
n)      Food items rich in fibre.
o)      Functions of vitamin-B
p)      Factors causing shortage of water
q)      Causes of deforestation
r)       Diseases caused by drinking unclean or polluted water
s)       Materials used to make containers
t)       Materials which can make rain water impure
Q3)Express in one or two word                                                                 [1 mark each]
a)      The process of shifting of pollen grains from one place to another.
b)      Sweet liquid produced by the flowers.
c)       Rearing or breeding of honeybees for collection of honey.
d)      Rearing of silk worms for getting silk.
e)      Male bees present in the bee hive.
f)       Wingless blood sucking insects.
g)      Nutrient which helps us to grow.
h)      The fibre present in food, which helps us to get rid of undigested food.
i)        A diet which contains all the nutrients, roughage and water, in right amounts.
j)        Substances present in the food that are necessary for are body.
k)      Extremely small living beings which can cause diseases.
l)        Process of purification of water by adding a small amount of chlorine in it-
m)    Big structures constructed to preserve large quantity of water and check floods-
n)      Proper and careful utilisation of water and maintaining the water in its different sources-
o)      Materials used to increase production of crops-
p)      Chemicals used to save the crops from birds, rats and insects-
q)      Impurities that cause water pollution-
Q4) Answer the following questions.                                                                     [2 marks each]
a)      What are social insects? What values we learn from the social insects     ?
b)      How are lady bird beetles useful to us?
c)       What are fleas? How can we save ourselves from harmful effects of different types of fleas ?
d)      List any two functions of vitamin-B in our body.
e)      Though fibre does not provide any nutrient to our body we should include it in our diet. Give reasons.
f)       Why is spider not an insect?
g)      How does a spider make its web?
h)      We should drink eight to ten glasses of water everyday. Give reason.
i)        Though roughage do not provide any nutrient ,yet we should include it in our diet.
j)        Why are vitamins and minerals called protective food?
k)      Why should water be purified before drinking?
l)        Irrigation of fields should be done by using water sprinklers.(give reason)
m)    Why should stagnation of water not be allowed?
n)      Water filtered through traditional filters may not be safe for drinking.(Give reasons)
Q5) Answer the following.                                                                                          [3 marks each]
a)      what is a balanced diet? Why should we eat a balanced diet?
b)      What are nutrients ? Why are they necessary for our body?
c)       How can we save ourselves from harmful insects?
d)      How do mosquitoes spread discuses?
e)      We should never eat uncovered food. Give reason.
f)       How do insects help in pollination?
g)      Write three features of an insect.
h)      Differentiate between boiling and filtration.(3 points)
i)        How are dams useful to us ?(3 ways)
j)        How does deforestation lead to shortage of water?
k)      State three ways to prevent breeding of mosquitoes.
l)        Write three causes of water pollution.
m)    Why is water essential for all living beings?
n)      How does the rain water becomes impure?


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