class iv science birds beak and claws

Ans: Birds  use their beaks for preening their feather.
D2.How is a crushing beak helpful to a pigeon?
Ans:A crushing  beak is a short and hard beak.It helps the pigeon for crushing seeds and grains .so that the seeds will soft for eating.
D3.What are claws?
Ans: Claws are the long curved nails present on the feet of birds.
D4.Name three birds of prey.
Ans: Eagle, vulture and hawk are examples three birds of prey.
D5.What prevents the body of  crane and jacana from sinking in water?
Ans:The wide spreading toes of crane & jacana help them from sinking in water.
E1.Write two main uses of a beak of a bird.
Ans.Two main uses of beaks of a bird are:
i)Beaks of birds are used for tearing, biting or  crushing the foods.
ii)beaks of birds also help to fight the enemy or catch the prey.
E2.How  claws helpful to a bird?
Ans: Claws help a bird for climbing, protecting, holding food, swimming and perching.
E3.How does a swallow catch its food.
Ans:The beak of swallow is sticky from inside. This sticky beak helps the birds to catch its prey
4.How do webbed feet help a duck to swim?

Ans: The front toes of duck are joined by giving them a flat appearance of webbed feet. Webbed feet help the duck to paddle and push the water while swimming.

E5.What type of feet do the scratching birds have?
Ans: scratching bird has strong feet with three toes in front and one at the back. These strong feet help to scratch the ground to search seed and insects.
Extra Question and Answer
Q1.Name the state bird of Odisha.
Ans:Indian roller (BHADABHADALIA) is the state bird of Odisha.
Q2.Which bird is National Bird of India?
Ans:Peacock is the National bird of India.
Q3.What is ornithology?
Ans:The branches of  science which deals with the study of birds is called ornithology.
Q4.who is popularly known as bird man of India?
Ans:Dr .Salim Ali is popularly known as the “BIRD MAN OF INDIA’.
Q5.which is the largest bird sanctuary in India?
Ans;Bhartapur Bird Sanctuary in Rajasthan is largest birds sanctuary in India.
Q6.What is  largest living bird?Ans:Ostrich


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