Worksheet 5(Birds beak & claws)

NAME---------------------------------------------------------             SEC -----------
Q.1. Tick the correct option.
a)  It is a climbing bird-
i) Parrot  ii) Hen   iii) Crane  iv) Sparrow
b) A bird that takes out insects and worms from the holes in the ground-                 
i) Woodpecker  ii)Crane  iii) Sunbird    iv) Hoopoe
c) A bird that does not have sharp claws, is the
i) Swan  ii) Vulture  iii) Hawk  iv) Eagle
d) A bird that can curl the toes around the branch and hold it firmly-
i)Penguin ii) Crow iii) Crane iv) Hen
 Q.2 Fill in the blanks.
a) Birds use  their ____________ to tear, bite or crush the food.
b) A pigeon has a ________________ beak.
c) _______________ can imitate the voice of human beings.
d) A ____________ can catch the insects while flying with its sticky beak.
Q.3 Express in one  or two words.
a) The process of cleaning the feathers and setting them right-
b)The smallest bird -
c)The long curved nails present in the feet of birds-
d)A person who studies birds-
Q.4 Name two of each.
a)Birds having probing beak-
b) Perching birds-
c) Birds having piercing beak-
d)Swimming birds-
e)Uses of claws-


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