worksheet4 (Plant around us)

NAME---------------------------------------------------------             SEC -----------
Q.1. Tick the correct option.
a)This plant increases the oxygen content of water-
i)Duckweed   ii)Water lily   iii)Hydrilla   iv) None of them
b)Which of the  following plants grow on the hills?                                                    
i) Deodar  ii)Mango  iii) Cactus   iv) peepal
c)This plant has spines instead of leaves.
i) Coconut  ii)Rose  iii)Cactus  iv) Pine
d) Preparation of the soil is followed by-
i) Harvesting  ii) Sowing  iii) Storage  iv) Irrigation
 Q.2 Fill in the blanks-
a)The natural home of living things is called its_________________.
b)ploughing is done by using____________________.
c)The trees that shed their leaves gradually are called as ______________ trees.
d)The plants which grow in water are called as ___________ plants.
e) Hydrilla  increases ____________ content of water.
Q.3 Express in one  or two words-
a) The undesirable plants that grow along with cultivated plants-
b)The plants that are attached to the pond bed-
c)The stem of lotus-
d)A very wet, muddy area on land-

e) The process of  separation of seeds from the chaff-


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