Revision 2 plat

Q.1. Fill in the blanks
i)        ……roots have branches
ii)       Special roots come out ……………of a banyan tree.
iii)     leaf has ……………… prepare food
iv)     …………………are found in cereals
v)      In mangrove plant do not get sufficient……………….  in the marshy area.
vi)     Reckless cutting of trees is called ……………….
vii)   Roots absorb ………………. and …………… for the plant .
Q.2. Choose the most appropriate answer (MCQ)
i) Which of the following plants has edible root?
(a)Rice      (b) Banyans   c) Radish        d) Mangrove
ii) Which of the following plants has tap root?
(a)Rice      (b) Banyans   c) Grass         d) Mangrove
iii) Which of the following plants has Fibrous root?
(a)Rice      (b) Banyans   c) Radish        d) Mangrove
iv) Which of the following plants has Arial root?
(a)Rice      (b) Banyans   c) Radish        d) Mangrove
v) Which of the following plants has breathing room?
(a)Rice      (b) Banyans   c) Radish        d) Mangrove
Q.3. Express in one word/two words:
i. Parts of plant present under the ground:
ii) Roots which can be eaten:
iii) The area where soil lacks oxygen
iv)Prevention of top soil by root
v) The sources of water mineral of plant
Q.4. Name two of each:
i) Edible root:…………………………………….&………………………………….
ii) Arial root………………………………………….&……………………………..
iii)Plant plant having fibrous root……………………..&………………………….
iv) Main function of roots………………………………&…………………………….
v) Plants having tap root………………………………&……………………………
vi) Plants where the main branch needs extra support…………………………..&…………………
Q.5.Change the underlined word and rewrite the sentences correctly
i)Leaf fixes the plant on soil.
ii)The main root of maize plant tap root and supporting root is breathing root.
iii)Banyan is a edible root
iv)Tap roots do not have main root.
v) In mangrove forest roots come out of the soil to take nitrogen
Q.6. Give reasons:
i. In mangrove  forest roots come out of the soil.
Ii.Roots are closed friend of soil.
Q.7. Answer the following questions:
i. Write two differences between tap root and fibrous root.
ii. Write two main functions of root.
Q.8. Answer the following questions.
i. Write three special functions of roots.
ii)In what ways roots of banyan tree is special
Q.9. Value based question

Q.10.Draw the diagram of human digestive system and label its different parts


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