Chapter My Body
Q1. What are the different types teeth found in our mouth .Write the function of each tooth?
Q2. What are the functions of tongue?
Q3.Fill in the blanks with correct answer.
i) Teeth begin to appear in a baby when the baby is about ………………… month.
ii) Between the age …………………. & …………………. the milk teeth fall out one by one.
iii) Permanent teeth are ……………. In number
iv)The outer covering of teeth is known as…………………
V)………………………is the strongest muscle of our body.
vi) Food item rich in calcium are good for ………………& …………………
vii)If sugar and bacteria are left  for long in mouth they can cause ………………..
viii) Salivary glands are …………………in number.
ix)…………………converts insoluble starch into soluble sugar in human body.
x)……………….. is the largest gland  of our body.
xi) …………………… caries the digested food to all parts of the body.
Xii) Liver and pancreas pour their juices to ………………………….
xiii) The undigested semi solid waste are collected in the ……………………. Of digestive system.
Xiv) The wall of large intestine absorb ………………….. From undigested food.
xv) One should drink ……………… glass of water every day to keep him or herself healthy.
xvi)Unwashed  fruits and vegetable carry  ………………….. diseases.
xvii) …………….. Makes the soft and digestible before digestion.
Q4.Write total number of following organs
i) incisor               ii) Molar               iii) Liver                 iV) tongue           v) Milk teeth   vi) Permanent teeth 
Q5.Express in word
HW dt.1.9.17
1)      Draw the label diagram of human tongue.
2)         Draw the label diagram  of human digestive system
How can you protect your teeth?


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