Food Question Answer

D1.Name the nutrients presents in energy giving foods.
Ans:Carbohydrates and fats are the nutrients present in energy giving foods.
D2.State the main role of proteins for our body.
Ans: Protein help our body to grow and repair the worn –out tissues.
D3. Name two food items obtained from animals that are good sources of protein.
Ans: Milk and fish are good sources of animal protein .
D4. Name the minerals that are required for healthy bones and teeth. Also mention one food source that contains both of them.
Ans :Calcium and phosphorous are the minerals required for healthy bones and teeth. Milk is one food source that contains both calcium and phosphorous.
D5.Why are vitamins and minerals called protective food?
Ans: Vitamins and minerals are a nutrient which protects our body from diseases and keep us healthy. It also protect against infection .food item containing vitamin and minerals are called protective food.
E. Answer the following questions.
1.What are nutrients ? Why are they necessary for our body?
Ans; The useful substances present in the food which provide us energy, helps us to grow ,keep us healthy ,diseases free and strong are called nutrients.
2.Why should we eat a balanced diet?
Ans; A combination of the correct types and amounts of food according to the age , gender and occupation is called balanced diet.
3.Why is it advisable to eat food item like whole fruits, salad, whole grains?
Ans:It is advisable to eat food items like whole fruits, salad and whole grains because these food items contains roughage ,which helps our body to get rid of undigested food, avoid constipation and keep our blood vessels free. It also helps us to avoid over eating.
4. Why do we say that water is essential for proper functioning of our body?
Ans: We say that water is essential for proper function of our body because water is the medium of all metabolic activity in our body, it helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients in our body. Water also helps in throwing out wastes from the body. Water also regulates our body temperature.
5.Old people need less of proteins, carbohydrates and fats than young children.’ Justify this statement.
Ans: Old people need less protein, carbohydrates and fats as compare to young children because old people have reached the maximum growth, their body is not active like young children and they cannot digest the complex food, Where as young children are in growing stage and very active so old people need comparatively less food than young children.
Value Based Question Answer
1.Was Raman right in not eating anything at the party?
Ans:No Raman was not right in not eating anything in the party.
2.Why did Raman’s parents feel bad at his behavior?
Ans: Raman’s parents felt bad at his behavior because he was not interested to eat the healthy food arranged by the host rather he was interested in food items like noodles, pizza and burger.
3.Which is a better food-dal and salad or pizza and burger?
Ans:Dal and Salad are better than pizza and burger because pizza and burger are tasty but not healthy where as dal and salad are very healthy food.
4.What would you do if you were in Raman’s place? Discuss.
Ans: If I were in Raman’s place I would have choosed the healthy food like dal, chapatti, salad .Also I would have thanked the host for their arrangement.
Extra Questions Answer.
  1. Prepare healthy eating food Pyramid
  1. Prepare a balanced diet pie chart
  2. List the important vitamins and write their source, function daily requirement and deficiency diseases.
  3. List the important minerals and write their source, function ,daily requirement and deficiency diseases.

5.Match the following
Vitamin A Sunlight
Vitamin B Amla
Vitamin C Spinach
Vitamin D Soyabean
Cord liver oil
Calcium Goiter
Phosphorous Weak Bone
Iron Anemia
Iodine Weak teeth
Blood clotting
6.Fill in the blanks
(i)Our body synthesizes Vitamin ……………… in the presence of sunlight.
(ii)One gram of fats produces …………………… kcal energy.
(iii)……………. & ……….. are very important part of balanced diet but do not contain any nutrient.
(iv)Sea food are rich in mineral ……………………..
(v)Old people need …………………….. food in less quantity.
(vi) Our balanced diet must have ………………….. % carbohydrate.
(vii)………………………. Is called a complete food.
(viii)Vitamin K is ………………………. Soluble.
(ix)………………….. is the fuel of our body.
(x)For healthy body one should drink ……………….. glasses of water.


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