More questions on insect

A.Q1.which is not a characteristic of insects
a)membranous wings
b) Six legs
c) Body is divided into three parts
d) None of these
Q2.this is not a social insect
a)termite             b) ant    c) honey bee     d) wasp
Q3.It is the food of silk worm
a)bamboo leaf  b)sugar cane leaf             c)mulberry leaf d)mango leaf
Q4.The unfertile female of a bee hives
a)      Queen  b) drones            c) Worker            d) none of these
Q5.Rearing of silk moth for silk is known as
a)      Apiculture           b) sericulture     c)agriculture       d)floriculture
Q6.Comb is …………….. Sided figure
a)      Three    b) Four                 c)five                     d) Six
Q7.The disease that is not spread by mosquitoes
a)      chikungunya      b)plague              c)malaria              d) filaria
Q8.It is not a feature of spider
a)      body is divided into two parts                    b)Four pair of leg             c)six legs              d) None of these
Q9.Position of sting in an insect
a)      back       b) front                                c)under the abdomen   d) head
Q10.The disease that is not spread by housefly
a)diarrhea           b)Cholera            c)malaria              d)jaundice
B. Fill in the blanks with correct answer
i) Fleas are ………………… insects.
ii)Female…………………….  Mosquito causes dengue
iii) House fly carry germs in their ……………………….. &…………………………..
iv) Shifting of pollen grain from one flower to another flower is called……………………………………………….
v) A silk moth makes cocoon in …………………….. Stage.
vi) Insects have flesh but do not have……………………………
vii)Honey bees, ants and termites  live in a well-organized way in groups so they are called…………………. insect.
viii)The sweet liquid produced by flower is called ……………………………
ix)………………… insect eats a large number of pest.
x)The semisolid  substance secreted by an insect which grows on banyan tree is …………………………
C.Name the diseases caused by the following insects
a)Female anopheles:
b) Female aides
c) Fleas:
d) Female culex:
e) Housefly
D) Write at least one useful product from the following insects
a)Honey bee:
b)Lac insect:
c) Silk Moth:


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