safe handling and storage of water

D1.State the meaning of the term potable water.
Ans: Water which is  clean,germ free and fit for drinking is called potable water.
D2.Name any two diseases that can be caused by drinking unclean water.
Ans:Two diseases that can be caused by drinking unclean water are diarrhea and jaundice
D3.Name the diseases which are spread by mosquitoes.
Ans:The diseases spread by mosquitoes are malaria, dengue, chikungunya and filaria.  
D4. How does boiling help in making water safe  for drinking?
Ans:Boiling kills the germ present in water  and make  safe for drinking.
D5.Name two methods of purification  of water.
Ans:Two methods of purification of water are boiling and chlorination.
D6.Name any two   ways of safe handling of drinking water.
Ans:Ways of safe handling of drinking water are:
i)Water should be stored in clean and covered container.
ii)we should not dip our hand in water stored for drinking .
iii)We should use ladle to take  out water  from the container.
E1.Why should water be purified before drinking?
Ans:Water should be purified before drinking because purification makes the water clean and germ  free and it is safe for drinking.
E2.What is chlorination ?How does  it purify  water?
Ans:Addition  of correct amount of chlorine  to water is called chlorination.  Chlorination kills the germs present in water and make it safe for drinking.
E3.Why is the  traditional  method of  filteration   not completely sufficient for  making   water  fit for drinking?
Ans:The  traditional  method of  filtration is    not completely sufficient for  making   water  fit for drinking  because it only removes dust and suspended particle   but  does  not remove germs.
E4.why should we not allow water to stagnate water around our houses?
Ans:Stagnate  water is abreeding ground for mosquitoes and  they  spread malaria, dengue,chikungunya ,So water  should not  be allowed  to  stagnate around  our houses.
E5.State two ways that can be used  to prevent breeding of  mosquitoes  in  room coolers.
Ans:The  water  of room cooler must be changed  after   every 3-4 days  or when  Water cannot be changed  two   spoons of  kerosene should be put in it   to  prevent breeding of  mosquitoes  in  room coolers.


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