D1.How much of the surface of earth is covered by water?
Ans: Three –fourth (3/4th) of the earth is covered by water.
D2.Name three sources  of fresh water.
Ans: Three  sources of water are river, well and lake .
D3.State the effect of deforestation on rainfall.
Ans: Reckless  cutting of trees is called deforestation. If there will be forest ,then more amount of  water vapor will be released  to atmosphere and that brings rain .Due to deforestation there are less numberof trees  which leads to decrease in rainfall.
D4.State two reasons that  are leading to clearing  of forests.
Ans: The  reasons for clearing forest are :-
i)For construction of building and factories ii)For earning money by selling the wood of the trees.
D5. state one utility of dams.
Ans: Dams are used for storing a large amount of water  which can be utilized for generating electricity, irrigation of crops and pisciculture (rearing of fish).
E1.State three factors that are responsible for water scarcity.
Ans:The three factors that are  responsible for water scarcity are:
i)Population explosion  ii) setting of factory  iii)Increasing   deforestation.
E2.How does  setting –up of factories  effect the ground water level?
Ans:To meet the growing demand of food stuff,clothing and other materials  big factories are being set up. These factories need a large  quantity of water. They fulfill this need by using  underground water. Due  to shortage of rainfall  water does not get filled up again as much as it is used. This has lead to a sharp decrease in the level of underground water.
E3.State  two ways to do rain-water harvesting.
Ans: Rain water harvesting can be done by the following ways;
i)Roof top rain water harvesting and ground water recharging.
ii)Rain water can be collected in dam for further uses.
E4.How should the fields be irrigated to reduce wastage of water?
ANS:The field should be irrigated in the following ways to reduces loss of water:
i)Water sprinkler should be used to avoid wastage of water
ii Drip irrigation method should be practiced to avoid wastage of water.
iii)Sensor based automatic control method should adopt to stop wastage of water.
E5.State any three ways of conserving water at home.
Ans-the ways of conserving water at home are-
i)Turn off the tap while brushing,washing face or shaving beard.
ii)Use bucket and mug for bathing  instead of shower.
iii)Do not throw  the vegetable wash water.     iv)immediately repair the broken tap.
 1. What reason may have been given by Aparna's mother?
Ans:Aparna's mother might have  said her to do like  this because ,she want to reuse the water to save water. Water is very precious.
2.State the values displayed by Aparna and her mother.
Ans: The values displayed  by Aparna   and her mother are
I)       Concern for water conservation
II)    Conscious citizen   iii) Nature lover 
3.Suggest another way in which the used water could have been utilized.
Ans: The used water can be utilized in the following ways:
             1)The used water can be used for domestic animal.
2)    The used water can be used to recharge ground water
3)    The used water can be used for construction work.
4)    Extra  Question Answer
1.Fill in the blanks with correct answer.
a) Planet …................. is called blue planet
b)Reckless cutting of trees is called …................................
c)Planting more trees is called …........................
d)Increases in …........................ increases the demand of water
e)Factories draws more  …......................... water .
f)World health organization recommended …................... liter water per person per day.
Ans: a)earth b) deforestation c) afforestation d) population e) ground water  f) 50
2.     What is a dam?
Ans: A dam is a reservoir which store huge amount of rain water for future uses. 
3.     Write four utility of dam .
Ans: The utilities  of dam  are:
I) Dam control floods
ii) Dam store huge of rain water
iii) Dam water is used for generating electricity
iv)Dam can be used for pisciculture (rearing of fish).
4.Express  in  one or two words
i)Maintaining something for long  time:
ii)The process of saving water:
iii)Supply of excess water to crop:
            iv)Water store over a rock under the ground:
            v)Excess increase in population:
Ans:(i)Sustainable  (ii) Water conservation  (iiii) over-irrigation  (iv)ground water (v)population explosion


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  2. Sewage sludge incineration might impact the surrounding quality of air. The combustion of waste materials might result in the production of inhalable particles laced with toxic metals. Well, the high combustion temperature vaporizes heavy metal compounds, they can condense on the surface of the ash particles. Research has shown about the Sewage Treatment Plant in Delhi that about 78 – 98% of Chromium, Cadmium, Copper, Nickel, Zinc, and Lead remain in the ash. The fly ash is commonly controlled through electrostatic precipitators, wet scrubber, and bag filters.

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