Term --II Examination Practice Paper

Term –II Examination (2018-19)
Practice Paper
TIME:2Hrs                              CLASS-IV          FULL MARKS:50
General Instructions:
Ø This question paper contains three sections and 9 questions.
Section ‘A’contains 1 mark questions 
Section ‘B’contains 2 mark questions
    Section ‘C’contains  3 mark questions and 4 mark questions.
Ø Attempt all the questions.
Ø Read the questions thoroughly.
Ø Write in legible handwriting.
Ø Verify the answers before submission of answer sheet.
Ø Marks are indicated in right side.

Section –A

1. Choose the most appropriate answer.                                                        (1×5=5)
      i)It is not responsible for the shortage of water-
   a) Rapid growth of industries b) Increase in population
   c) Heavy rainfall     d) Mismanagement of water resources.
ii) The insect, that helps in pollination is the-
   a)Honey bee  b)Butterfly   c)Bumble bee  d) All of these
iii) People need different amount of nutrients according to their –
   a) Age b) Physical activity c) Both (a) and (b)   d) None of these
iv)Polluted water should not be used for irrigation because-
   a) It increases the production of crops   b)It reduces fertility of soil.
   c) It can harm aquatic animals d)It pollutes river.
v) Our body requires water for-
   a)Preparation of food  b) Breathing   c)Digestion   d) Transpiration.
2.Fill in the blanks-                                                                                          (1×5=5)
i) With the increase in population, the demand for water is_____________.
ii) The insects have ______ pairs of legs.
iii) Sea foods are the rich sources of _________ mineral.
iv) We should use mug or bucket to bath instead of_____________.
v)Silk thread is collected from the _________ of a silk moth.

3. Express in one or two words.                                                                      (1×4=4)
i)The dangerous disease spread by the fleas found on rodents like rats-
ii)Water present under the surface of earth-
iii) Standing or still water-
iv) Vitamin made by our body in presence of sunlight-

4.Name two of each.                                                                                     (1×4=4)
i) Pollutants often dumped by the factories into the rivers-
ii)Diseases spread by mosquitoes-
iii)Minerals needed for healthy bones and teeth-
iv)Water purification methods that kill germs-

5.Change the underlined word and rewrite the sentence correctly.               (1×4=4)
i) Protein gives us energy and keeps our body warm.
ii)Earth is also known as the red  planet.
iii) The process by which the water gets impure is known as purification of water.
iv)Lac insects eat the harmful pests from plants.

Section –B

6. Give reasons.                                                                                            (2×2=4)
      i) Old people need less of proteins, carbohydrates and fats than young children.
ii) Traditional method of filtration is not completely sufficient for making the
    water potable.
7. Answer the following questions.                                                                (2×4=8)
i) Why should we eat a balanced diet?
ii) State the effect of deforestation on availability of water.
iii) How oil spills are harmful for marine life ?
iv) How does the spider catch various insects for its food?
Section –C

8. Answer the following questions.                                                                (3×4=12)
i)  State any three ways of safe handling of drinking water.
ii) What is the role of vitamin-B in our body? Name two food items that
   are rich sources of Vitamin-B.                                                                                                          iii) State any three ways of conserving water in a large scale.                                                             iv) Rohit went to his mother’s village during his summer vacation.
   There was a river flowing across the village. Rohit noticed some people
   bathing their cattle in the river. Rohit immediately went near them and
   explained about the harmful effects water pollution.
a)    State the values displayed by Rohit.
b)    Write two more factors that cause water pollution.
9. Draw an insect   and label its parts.                                                          (4×1=4)


  1. Hi, This is khyati Laad. This is very interesting and useful article I got many useful information. Please visit.
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  2. There are in total 4 types of wastewater treatment plants available in the market that are taken into use by the people very often those types are the effluent treatment plant, sewage treatment plant and also the other two types are the activated sludge plants and the combined common effluent treatment plant, for knowing more about it the user should get in touch with the wastewater treatment professionals through the website.
    Wastage OF Water


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